New Members

Annual Events Calendar


Big Item

Winter Heat: Our in-house one-day competition



Other Happenings:

New Years Day Hangover WOD


Big Item

The LBCF Cup: The CrossFit world unites for 3 workouts and we do our own intramural team event



Other Happenings:

It’s really cold outside…. might as well get sweaty at the gym.


Big Item

The LBCF Cup Concludes: Let’s crown our champions



Other Happenings:

Maybe we get a warm day and open the garage doors


Big Item

We start to prep for Murph (see May)


Other Happenings:

A few warm days = some outdoor workouts


Big Item

Murph: Our Annual tribute to those who gave their lives in service of America.

For time:

1 mile run

100 pull-ups

200 push-ups

300 air squats

1 mile run

*scaled options available for all fitness levels


Big Item

Just enjoying open garage doors, warm weather and leaving behind our winter bods!


Big Item

Independence Day WOD


Other Happenings:

The best time of the year! Spending as much time outside as we can while building fitness


Big Item

Games Week: After the conclusion of the CrossFit Games we do workouts inspired by that event to have a little extra fun. 


Other Happenings:

Count-down to The LiftBridge Standard


Big Item

The LiftBridge Standard: Athletes from around the state descend on Stillwater to take on our big event. A weekend fitness festival hosted by LiftBridge. 


Other Happenings:

Labor Day Workout: “Roadkill” (its not so bad!)


Big Item

Testing Week: We like to track our progress, each year we complete the same workouts / challenges to see how our fitness journey’s are progressing. 


Other Happenings:

Leaves everywhere


Big Item

TurkeyDay WOD: Bring a friend for this partner workout


Other Happenings:

Eating too much food


Big Item

12 Days of WODmas: The grand finale workout of the year


Other Happenings:

White Elephant Gift Exchange: Bring an inappropriate, wrapped gift and get ready to laugh

New Member Essentials

We use the BeyondtheWhiteboard (BTWB) at our Stillwater gym. This is an easy to use, easy to navigate app that tracks where you’ve been and where you’re going. Here is a quick series to help you understand how to Reserve and Check-in to our classes right from your phone:
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We use the PushPress member software at our gym in Stillwater, MN. This is an easy to use, easy to navigate app that gives you complete control of your account with LiftBridge CrossFit. Your login is the same login you used to create your account when you signed up with us. Here is a quick series to help you understand how to Reserve and Check-in to our classes right from your phone:
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