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Winter Heat: Our in-house one-day competition
Other Happenings:
New Years Day Hangover WOD
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The LBCF Cup: The CrossFit world unites for 3 workouts and we do our own intramural team event
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It’s really cold outside…. might as well get sweaty at the gym.
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The LBCF Cup Concludes: Let’s crown our champions
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Maybe we get a warm day and open the garage doors
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We start to prep for Murph (see May)
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A few warm days = some outdoor workouts
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Murph: Our Annual tribute to those who gave their lives in service of America.
For time:
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
1 mile run
*scaled options available for all fitness levels
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Just enjoying open garage doors, warm weather and leaving behind our winter bods!
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Independence Day WOD
Other Happenings:
The best time of the year! Spending as much time outside as we can while building fitness
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Games Week: After the conclusion of the CrossFit Games we do workouts inspired by that event to have a little extra fun.
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Count-down to The LiftBridge Standard
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The LiftBridge Standard: Athletes from around the state descend on Stillwater to take on our big event. A weekend fitness festival hosted by LiftBridge.
Other Happenings:
Labor Day Workout: “Roadkill” (its not so bad!)
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Testing Week: We like to track our progress, each year we complete the same workouts / challenges to see how our fitness journey’s are progressing.
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Leaves everywhere
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TurkeyDay WOD: Bring a friend for this partner workout
Other Happenings:
Eating too much food
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12 Days of WODmas: The grand finale workout of the year
Other Happenings:
White Elephant Gift Exchange: Bring an inappropriate, wrapped gift and get ready to laugh