Q: What is the CrossFit Open?
A: The Open is a three week community event that the entire CrossFit ecosystem participates in. The workouts are written by CrossFit HQ and are released on Thursday afternoon. LiftBridge does the workouts on Friday after they are released.
Q: What are the workouts?
A: We don’t know. But what we do know is that there is a version that can be done by every fitness level, from elite to beginner everyone gets to participate!
Q: Sounds cool, how do I participate?
A: There are two ways to get it on the fun.
- Sign-up for the worldwide leaderboard (LINK HERE). The cost is $20 and you get to see how you stack up against the worldwide CrossFit Community.
- Not interested in the worldwide competition? That’s cool, LBCF hosts an intramural version of the open that we call THE LIFTBRIDGE CUP. Check the gym for a big sign-up board and put your name on the list. We will be distributing team shirts that you can wear on Fridays during the workouts. The cost is $20, you will be assigned a team and get a cool shirt!
- Sign-up for both!
Q: Sounds kinda fun, but why does it matter?
A: Fair question:
- We are part of a worldwide phenomenon that makes the world happier through fitness. This is your chance to take an active part in that movement.
- Testing your level of fitness is an important step in making a better version of you, the Open acts as a reference point for future years.
- You are going to do the workouts each Friday anyway, might as well join the group.
Q: Anything else?
A: One last thing, each Friday evening (during the normal evening classes) we do what’s called “Friday Night Lights” where we get together, celebrate the Open and throw down together. We cap off the evening with our most competitive athletes to put on a show and inspire all of us to keeping working hard.
When you show up on Fridays you will see a whiteboard with available heat times, sign-up when you get there and you will be required to get warm / loose on your own before your heat time.
Have fun!
Example of team assignments and results below: