Doctors, lawyers, stay-at-home Moms, stay-at-home Dads, finance professionals, janitors, CEOs, entrepreneurs, grandparents, machine operators, logistics experts, assembly line workers, paramedics, teachers, electricians, plumbers, home-builders, marketers, students, physical therapists, massage therapists, musicians, acupuncturists, real estate professionals, IT professionals, cartoonists, sales professionals, accountants, government employees, hair stylists, scientists, firemen, policemen, servers, ministers, dental hygienists, dentists, nurses, engineers, psychologists, popsicle moguls, social workers, auditors, truck drivers…..this is a quick list off the top of my head who are members at our gym. Pretty cool group of people and an amazing support system, click the link to meet our community.
So why do such a diverse group of people train together? Why is it that such different backgrounds coalesce? What is the uniting factor?
I think it’s relatively simple. CrossFit does exactly what it purports to do. It makes you fit, it makes you fit faster than any other gym or fitness routine you will ever try. There are a few key reasons it works so well; 1) all of us are human and as a result our bodies were designed to do the same things and 2) it has clearly defined fitness and because of this we are able to create an efficient path to fitness. So let’s dive into these topics.
First, we are all human, meaning all of our bodies were designed with the same thing in mind. Our joints, our muscles, all those things were made to move us and other objects around. Maybe we’ve “lost a step or two” over the years but that doesn’t change the fact that when you were a small child you learned how to run without being taught. You just did it because it’s ingrained in your DNA. The same thing goes for squatting, pushing, pulling, jumping, carrying, the list goes on.
Now that we are in agreement that we are united by these natural movements, we will refer to them as functional movements, let’s address the elephant in the room. You aren’t as strong or capable as you were when you were younger. Agreed. The degree to which you can run or squat has changed over the years, time comes for us all. The reality is you still need movement, maybe not as much, maybe not as heavy, but it is still essential to our longevity. Have you ever realized that one day you realized your knees hurt or you back hurt? Nothing happened but now you have discomfort….after working with people for over a decade (and reviewing tons of research) this is almost certainly related to the misuse or lack of use of certain fundamental muscles. CrossFit stops this deterioration in its tracks and gets you rebuilding the strength and capacity you once held without an effort.
This leads into our second point, we are EXTREMELY efficient in getting you fit fast. Fitness isn’t some secret formula that only professional athletes deserve to understand. It is for everyone and it is simple. 1) Perform physical activity that prepares you for your life and 2) try hard. The first part is our job, we are experts in writing elegant workouts that apply to your everyday tasks and stresses. The second part is on you, it’s no secret that when you try hard (with proper guidance) you get better at things. Think of the golfer who hits 10,000 balls on the range, they never improve, just repeat bad patterns. Then think of the golfer who takes 5 lessons and learns drills that will make them better. Combine knowledge with effort and you get results.
So what makes us efficient? We fit your life. Our classes are one hour in length, they are led by expert coaches who are passionate about helping you. We aren’t people working for a national or international change barking orders over a microphone, we are locally grown people who fell in love with something that changed our lives forever….and we want to share that with you!